Pride St. Louis Grand Pride Parade

Presented by


The annual Grand Pride Parade brings our community together to march in support of the LGBTQIA+ community, celebrate the diverse groups in STL, and allows people to find a place in the community for them.

This year, the Arch will provide the backdrop for the parade down Market Street, between 10th Street and 16th Street, running along the face of the festival.

For additional information please contact our Parade Committee at

The 2025 Grand Pride Parade
starts on

Sunday, June 29th, 2025 - 12 P.M.

Starting at 10th and Market

Join us for the 2025 Grand Pride Parade!!

Non-Profit/Organization Entry


Offical Royalty Title Holders

Political Candidate Entry


Elected Official Entry

Grand pride Parade’s Map 2025

The Grand Pride Parade, begins at 12 PM, runs down Market St. starting at 10th and Market, past the PrideFest grounds, and ending at 16th and Market.

Staging areas for Parade participants will be provided to the participants before the celebration.

The Grand Pride Parade serves as a means to showcase the creative talents and service hundreds of LGBT-friendly businesses, non-profit organizations, and community groups, as they spread their message to all who attend.

The Grand Pride Parade also serves as a method for legislators and candidates to illustrate their support of the LGBTQiA + community and the causes we support.