PrIde idol 2025
Please join us for Pride Idol 2025 presented by McDonald's at Just John in the Grove! The first 24 contestants to register, will be guaranteed a spot to compete. Each contestant will be assigned 1 of the 3 prelim weeks in order of registration.
2025 Pride Idol Dates
The competing nights will be on March 6th, 13th, and 20th. Finales night will be on the 27th.
Just John is located at 4112 Manchester Ave. St. Louis, MO 63110
Finale Winners
The Judge and Audience choice finale winners will perform on stage at PrideFest 2025 and receive 2 one day VIP Tickets.
Week 1 Finalists: Baylee and LaShay.
Week 2 Finalists:
Week 3 Finalists: Grant and Ryan.
Who will be the 2025 Pride Idol Winners?!
Join use March 27th.
The first 24 contestants to register, will be guaranteed a spot to compete. Each contestant will be assigned to 1 of the 3 prelim weeks in order of registration.
Contestants will be assigned a number 1-8. Once a number is assigned each contestant will select two songs to give to the DJ, but please have alternative songs in case the DJ doesn't have your initial requests. The first round of singers will go into numerical order from singers 1 to 8. After a break, the second round will start in descending order starting with singers 8 to 1.
There are two ways to advance to the finales:
Judge's Choice - A panel of judges will score each singer on the following categories: Song Selection, Vocal Clarity, Confidence, and Stage Presence/Charisma for a maximum score of 40 points. Those scorecards will be counted and verified by two members of PrideSTL’s Board of Directors. The highest combined score from rounds 1 and 2 will advance to the finals.
Audience Choice - During a contestant's song there will be an opportunity to contribute funds towards that contestant (Cash, CashApp, Venmo, etc.). The singer that raises the most funds during the event will advance to the finale. Funds will be tabulated after each song by two members of the PrideSTL Board of Directors. ALL digital funds must contain a note stating what contestant it is intended for; any funds not designated will be not counted towards any contestant. Acceptable notes: Contestant 1-8 or the contestant's full name.
If a contestant would like to see their scores, they may ask the scorekeepers at the end of the event. Contestants may only see their score sheet and/or the total score sheet of the event (which would have the judge’s scores and funds raised by each contestant). The score sheet will sometimes have comments or critiques from judges, so a contestant cannot see another's score sheet.
Use this QR code to donate on our different platforms for you favorite singer.
Congratulations to Larissa, 2025 Pride Idol All Stars WINNER
2024 Idol Winners Millennia and Indigo
Millennia (Audience Choice) and Indigo (Judge’s Choice) with Hamburglar & Grimace